The 9 Best Companion Plants For Peppers

Basil: This herb can improve the flavor of peppers and also repels pests like mosquitoes and thrips.

Onions: They help deter pests that can harm pepper plants, such as aphids and beetles.

Garlic: Acts as a natural repellent for pests and can improve the disease resistance of peppers.

Carrots: Their roots help loosen the soil, allowing better nutrient and water access for pepper roots.

Spinach: Grows well alongside peppers and can provide ground cover to help retain soil moisture.

Tomatoes: They share similar growing requirements with peppers and can mutually benefit from each other’s presence.

Marigolds: These flowers can repel nematodes and other pests, protecting pepper plants.

Parsley: Helps enhance the flavor of pepper plants and can attract beneficial insects that prey on pepper pests.