9 Money Moves You Should Make This Fall

1. Tune up your budget

This year, inflation has ripped your budget, so you may have paid more on tax prep, classes, and workwear. It was surprising that a dozen eggs cost more than a gallon of gas.

2. Review your health insurance coverage

In general, if you wish to have coverage in the coming year, you may only alter your health insurance plan during open enrollment, which runs from November 1 to December 15.

3. Make a plan to use all your FSA dollars

Use your flexible spending account (FSA) funds or lose them. You might be lucky enough to carry over some of that money or get two extra months to spend it. 

4. Pay down credit card debt

Carrying a balance is never a smart idea. It is sometimes unavoidable owing to unforeseen circumstances such as unemployment, divorce, or costly house repairs.

5. Get ready for changing utility bills

In many U.S. states, at least, and as October approaches, we're spending a lot more time indoors than outside. The cost of remaining comfortably warm can be a financial shock.

6. Check your retirement plan contributions

Are you squandering your money? If your workplace offers a matching contribution plan, make certain that you receive the whole amount.

7. Get real about end-of-year giving

Whether inflation or college costs hurt our budget is difficult to choose. You may not be able to offer as much as previous year depending on your budget.

8. Re-think the holidays

According to a new Bankrate study, more than half (53%) of this year's holiday buyers plan to use credit cards; nearly two-thirds (64%) want to pay the bill in full to avoid interest.

9. Start a ‘sinking fund’

A sinking fund can be used for both recurring expenses (holidays, quarterly self-employment tax payments, summer child care) and pleasant events such as weddings, birthdays, or anniversaries.