Every month, a money date should be brief, no more than 20 minutes. Keeping them short reduces the chances of the conversation becoming heated.
Start simple when talking about money with your partner. You don't need to get into your retirement plans, investments, or anything else.
There are a few intrinsically awkward issues to discuss, and one of them is money. That means that not everyone is as comfortable discussing money.
Set a financial goal with your partner to build a support structure that holds both of you accountable.
When someone is ashamed of something, the last thing they want to do is discuss it. Avoid having your first money conversation with your partner be a terrible experience.
Spending, saving, budgeting, investing, and other financial topics are frequently discussed with your partner. However, money discussions should also involve how you and your partner make money.
Debt is one of the most serious financial concerns that may develop in someone's life, and it has a tremendous impact on any relationship.
Sometimes a purchase or a paycheck figure is merely a piece of the puzzle. Some people are overjoyed to earn $60,000 each year, while others aspire for something more.
Money discussions with your partner are not competitions. There should be no winner or loser. Instead, any decision might have merits and cons, and differing viewpoints are appropriate.