Keeping your money in an interest-bearing account and not touching it is one of the keys to growing your savings.
If you use your credit card on a regular basis and pay off the balance at the end of the month, you can actually save more money.
If you have a travel rewards card, make sure you use it the next time you plan a trip to save money on out-of-pocket expenses.
Using a mix of savings, CD, and money market accounts can help you earn interest and access funds when needed.
There are numerous other ways to profit from real estate. You can buy, fix, and sell properties just like they do on television's various fixer-upper shows.
If you can relocate to a location where housing and other costs are lower, you will be able to save more money each month.
Check to see if there is a transaction fee or other potential fees before putting your money in a savings account or CD.
A mortgage, car payment, and student loan are all unavoidable aspects of life, but controlling the amount you pay for those loans can help you get on the path to financial security.