10 Soda Brands You Should Avoid

Coca-Cola - Known for its high sugar content and use of artificial sweeteners in some variations.

Pepsi - Similar to Coca-Cola, Pepsi also contains high levels of sugar and artificial additives.

Mountain Dew - Notorious for its high caffeine and sugar content, often criticized for its impact on health.

Dr Pepper - Contains high levels of sugar and artificial flavors, although it also offers diet versions.

Fanta - Known for its sugary content and use of artificial colors and flavors.

Sprite - While not as high in sugar as other sodas, Sprite still contains artificial ingredients and sweeteners.

7UP - Contains high levels of sugar and artificial additives, similar to other lemon-lime sodas.

A&W Root Beer - While popular, A&W Root Beer is high in sugar and offers little nutritional value.

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