10 Best Balance Exercises To Keep You Active and Mobile as You Age

Standing on One Leg: Lift one foot off the ground and hold the position for as long as you can, then switch to the other leg.

Heel-to-Toe Walk: Walk in a straight line, placing the heel of one foot directly in front of the toes of the other foot with each step.

Side Leg Raises: Stand straight and lift one leg to the side, keeping your body upright. Hold, then lower back down and repeat on the other side.

Back Leg Raises: Stand behind a chair and lift one leg backward without bending the knee. Hold, then return to the starting position and switch legs.

Balance Walk: Raise your arms to your sides and walk in a straight line, lifting your knee high with each step.

Tai Chi or Yoga: These practices improve balance and flexibility through slow, controlled movements and poses.

Standing March: March in place slowly, lifting your knees high with each step.

Bosu Ball Exercises: Using a Bosu ball (a half-sphere stability ball) for exercises like squats or step-ups can greatly improve balance.