10 Animals That Like To Chill In The Cold

Polar Bears

Thick fur and a layer of fat (blubber) keep them warm in frigid temperatures.

Arctic Foxes

Dense fur and the ability to change coat color with seasons for insulation and camouflage.

Emperor Penguins

Layered feathers and a layer of fat, along with huddling behaviors to conserve heat.

Snow Leopards

Thick fur, large paws for walking on snow, and a long tail for balance and warmth.


Thick fur, specialized hooves for walking on snow and ice, and a layer of fat.


Blubber for insulation, tusks for hauling out on ice, and thick skin.

Musk Oxen

Long, shaggy coats with a fine underlayer called qiviut for insulation, and herd behaviors for warmth.


Thick fur and a powerful build to travel through snow and withstand cold temperatures.

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