8 Signs A Guy Doesn't Have A Lot Of Relationship Experience

Uncertainty in Communication: He struggles to express his feelings or keep conversations going, often leading to awkward silences.

Lack of Initiative: He hesitates to make plans or take the lead in deciding what to do together.

Misreading Signals: He often misunderstands social cues or non-verbal communication, leading to misinterpretations of intentions.

Overthinking Simple Gestures: He might read too much into casual interactions or comments.

Inexperience with Physical Intimacy: He may be hesitant or awkward when it comes to physical closeness or signs of affection.

Difficulty Handling Conflict: He avoids confrontations and struggles to resolve disagreements constructively.

Inconsistent Attention: He fluctuates between being overly attentive and distant, unsure of how to balance the relationship.

Lack of Relationship Boundaries: He might not understand the importance of setting and respecting personal boundaries.