The Easiest Way To Create Your Own Jelly Nail Polish At Home

Jelly Nail Polish At Home

Homemade jelly nail polish is a great way to experiment with colors and finishes. Jelly nail polish is easy to make:

Ingredients and supplies:

-Clear nail polish—glossy or matte, -Nail polish -Small plastic or glass container -Stirring sticks or toothpicks -Empty nail polish bottles


1. Begin by selecting the nail varnish color polish you wish to use for the jelly effect. Choose a polish that is somewhat translucent but still has a vibrant color for a true jelly effect.


2. Carefully pour the transparent nail polish into a small plastic or glass container. Before pouring, ensure that the container is spotless and dry.


3. Add a few drops of the colored nail polish to the container of clear nail polish. The number of droplets will depend on the desired intensity of the jelly effect.


4. Use a toothpick or a small stirring implement to thoroughly combine the clear and colored nail polishes.


5. Apply a small quantity of the jelly polish to one of your nails to test the color. If you are satisfied with the outcome, continue to the next phase.


6. If you desire a more vibrant hue, apply a few more drops of nail polish and mix again.


7. Once you're satisfied with the color of the jelly nail polish, gingerly pour it back into an empty bottle for application. You can also use a small funnel to avoid spillage.


8. Shake the vial gently to ensure that the jelly polish is thoroughly mixed.