8 Expert Tips For Pushing Past The Paycheck To Paycheck Cycle

Make A Sensible Plan

Making a plan that you can follow is the first thing you need to do to stick to a budget.

Keep Track of Your Progress

Take notes, write down how long each job takes to finish, and measure the results to keep track of its progress.


You can meet people who can help you get a job, make extra money, or even find people to sell things to if you start networking now.

Talk to Your Boss

Even though there are many scary stories that might not always show this to be true, bosses are real people. 

Take Drastic Steps

You might have to do bold things like sell your house and move in with a friend if money is really tight.

Avoid Get Rich Quick Ideas

These schemes are usually handled by people who sell expensive courses and consulting services while making it seem straightforward and cheap to start. 

Stay Positive

 Unfortunately, prolonged stress can sink you deeper, making it hard to see a path out or find the energy to try. 

Slash Spending

If you’re feeling strapped for cash, the most important first step to take is to slash your spending significantly. 

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