10 Reasons Why You Aren't a Millionaire

1. You Spend More Than You Make

When it comes to the fundamentals of personal finance, there are no secrets and certainly nothing magical. You must spend less than you earn in order to keep your finances in line.

2. You Try To Meet Other’s Expectations

Nothing will delay you from accomplishing your financial goals faster than trying to meet the expectations of others rather than your own. 

3. You Don’t Pay Yourself First

Paying yourself first before paying anyone else is one of the most important things you can take to ensure that you save money for yourself. 

4. You Have Kids

This is definitely not the most popular reason why aren't a millionaire, but the hard, cold truth is that children are expensive. Extremely costly.

5. Your House Is Too Big

Some people believe that buying a large house is a wise investment. While this is true, buying more housing than you can afford is a smart method to ensure that you are unable to develop genuine wealth.

6. You Replace Things Too Soon

If you frequently replace useful things to acquire the latest and greatest gadgets, you may struggle to generate money.

7. You Let Others Take Charge Of Your Finances

There is nothing wrong with soliciting the advice of others to assist you in developing a wealth-building strategy, but you must be an active participant in this process.

8. You Fail To Take Care Of Your Health

The better you care for her health, the more likely it is that you will be able to produce and maintain money as you age.

9. You Get A Divorce

While marriage can assist generate money, divorce frequently does the reverse. Divorce is one of the best ways to destroy your fortune.

10. You Have One Or More Bad Habits

A bad habit is something that deprives you of money without providing you with more in return.