Pink Blob

7 gorgeous gray cat breeds that make wonderful companions

Pink Blob

1. Russian Blue

Sweet-tempered and ever so loyal, the affectionate and social Russian Blue is never happier than when around their family. They have a dense but soft double coat and mesmerizing bright green eyes that are something to behold.

Pink Blob

2. British Shorthair

Heavy muscles and large bones give this kitty their round, thick appearance and you can see why they were originally used to keep rodents out of barns and houses.

Pink Blob

3. Chartreux

The Chartreux (pronounced shar-true) is very similar in appearance to the British Shorthair with a heavily muscled and heavily boned body that gives that same thick and round appearance.

Pink Blob

4. Korat

A silver-tipped, blue-gray feline that hails from Thailand, the Korat is a rare breed that has a regal appearance and is revered in its home country for bringing good luck to anyone fortunate enough to have it as a member of the family.

Pink Blob

5. Nebelung

If you’d never heard of the Nebelung until now, rest assured, you’re not alone! A rare, pedigree breed, they originated in America and got their name from the German word Nebel meaning ‘mist’ or ‘fog’.

Pink Blob

6. Scottish Fold

A cat made entirely of curves, the Scottish Fold is one distinctive breed thanks to its small and neatly folded forward ears and round face. Sweet in looks and disposition, this breed is known for having a tiny voice that they rarely use.

Pink Blob

7. Egyptian Mau

Fiercely devoted to their humans, the Egyptian Mau loves playing with water and is so smart that they’ll quickly learn how to turn on the faucet to gain access. Active, agile, and energetic, this is a social breed that needs to be kept busy.

Pink Blob

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